Setsubun Online 2022 3:00 PM
Sunday March 20 we celebrate Dutch Setsubun Sai in Yamakage Shinto Holland Saigu. You are welcome to attend the 44th edition of Spring Ceremony ONLINE. We will connect with YouTube around 14:30. As soon as we have established the live stream, we will post the link here below. Please be patient, as we may face technical issues before the live stream works. LINK TO YOUTUBE OUTLINE OF THE CEREMONY 1.拝礼の儀 (Hairei no gi) Opening of the ceremony by 2 times bowing, clapping hands 3 times and a final bow 2.修祓の儀 (Shubatsu no gi) Purification ritual. Kindly lower your head when Guji is waving the purification wand over your head 3. 万霊供養 (Banrei Kuyo) Pacification of wandering spirits 4.献饌の儀 (Kensen no gi) Dedication of rice wine and food 5.降神の儀 (Koshin no gi) Recitation of the norito to invite the kami of spring 6.大祓の儀 (O harai no gi) Recitation of the norito for the great purification 7.節分祈願祝詞 (Setsubun kigan norito) Recitation of the norito to address kami 8.玉串奉奠 (Tamagushi hoten) Offering of an evergreen sprig 9.撤饌の儀 (Tessen no gi) Withdrawal of the dedication of rice wine and food 10.拝礼の儀 (Hairei no gi) Closing of the ceremony Flow of the ceremony The ceremony creates a field of "relational aesthetics" which does not require just spectators, but participants who become "transformed" through their interaction with the ritual. In today's world it is vital to change speed, to slow down for a moment and to remain still. The art of contemplation allows access to a kind of immanence beyond everyday consciousness, an aesthetic beyond subjectivity, and leads to the discovery of a source of pure energy that keeps us in harmony with life. In order to continue the flow inside Holland Saigu, regrettably, we cannot live stream the Fire Ceremony. After all, this involves too many technical changes like repositioning the camera, reconnecting the microphone and establishing a new link on YouTube. I am looking forward to connecting with you in the spring ceremony. Paul de Leeuw Yamakage Shinto Holland Saigu Guji