HATSUMODE ONLINEThank you very much for visiting this page.Here you will find the link to the Online Ceremony.The link becomes active on January 1 about 10:15.Please be patient, because it is technically complex to create the link.In case the link still does not work after 10.30, it helps to refresh the page by pressing F5.YOUTUBE LINK TO THE ONLINE CEREMONY 2024 Duration of the ceremony: 20 minutes. Flow of the Ceremony1.拝礼の儀 (Hairei no gi) Opening: bow 2 times; clap your hands 3 times; bow once more2.修祓の儀 (Shubatsu no gi) Purification of Holland Saigu and the online space. If you know the Misogi words, you can join the recitation by Guji. Make a bow when Guji waves kannusa (purification wand) over your shoulders3.献饌の儀 (Kensen no gi) Dedication of food offerings and lighting the candles4. 降神の儀(Koshin no gi)Invitation of kami to descend in Himorogi of Holland Saigu5.初詣祝詞(Hatsumode norito) Expression of Gratitude for the beginning of the New Year6.玉串奉奠 (Tamagushi hoten) Dedication of a green branch, symbol of the unity of humanity and nature. After Guji offered the branch, he will dedicate a second branch on behalf of you. Please, follow him when he bows and claps hands. 7.撤饌の儀 (Tessen no gi) Removal of food offerings and extinguishing candles8.拝礼の儀 (Hairei no gi) Completion of the ceremony, as in 19.神酒拝戴(Shinshu haitai)Ceremonial toast of sake. You can join the toast if you have put a bottle beforehand in front of your screen. It may be any kind of beverage.Flow of the ceremonyKindly attend the online ceremony as you would do during your real visit to a jinja. Prepare yourself by cleaning your space, washing your hands (te-mizu) and making sure you will not be disturbed. Sit down in a comfortable position. We are grateful for your donation. Bankaccount: NL57 INGB 0005253193BIC: INGBNL2AIBAN: NL57INGB0005253193St. Japanese Dutch Shinzen Foundation, Amsterdam.Grand Ceremony Livestream 16.00 - 17.00The link to the livestream of the Grand Ceremony will be sent to you after registration.Kindly send an email with the subject line: Grand Ceremony Online.